Holy - Aura Mastery: This effect of this talent has been reduced in duration to 6 seconds.
- Infusion of Light: This talent now causes the paladin's Flash of Light spells to heal the target for 50/100% of the Flash of Light healing amount over 12 seconds.
Protection - Divine Guardian: This talent no longer increases the amount of damage transferred to the paladin from Divine Sacrifice. Instead it causes all raid and party members to take 10/20% reduced damage while Divine Sacrifice is active. In addition, the duration has been changed to 6 seconds, however the effect does not terminate when Divine Sacrifice is removed before its full duration.
- Divine Sacrifice: Redesigned. The effect of Divine Sacrifice is now party-only and the maximum damage which can be transferred is now limited to 40% of the paladin's health multiplied by the number of party members. In addition, the bug which allowed Divine Sacrifice to sometimes persist despite reaching its maximum damage has been fixed. Divine Sacrifice will now cancel as soon as its maximum damage value is exceeded in all cases. Finally, damage which reduces the paladin's health below 20% now cancels the effect early.
Retribution - Repentance: This crowd control effect will no longer break early from the damage done by Righteous Vengeance.
- Divine Intervention: This ability now also removes Exhaustion or Sated from a target if the recipient is out of combat when the effect ends. In addition, the cooldown on this ability has been reduced from 20 minutes to 10 minutes. Cannot be used in Arenas.
- Flash of Light: This spell no longer causes a heal-over-time effect unless the player has the Infusion of Light talent.
- Lay on Hands: This ability will place Forbearance on the paladin if used on his or herself. It will not place Forbearance on others.
- Aura Mastery: The animation for this ability will no longer be extra bright when used with Concentration Aura active.
- Beacon of Light: The effect of this ability will no longer sometimes continue past the duration of its buff. In addition, the duration when used with the Glyph of Beacon of light will now correctly be 1.5 minutes. Finally, the tooltip was corrected to indicate benefitting targets must be in the paladin's party or raid.
- Blessing of Kings: It is no longer possible to have multiple buff icons from this spell.
- Blessing of Sacrifice: Damage transferred via this ability can now be prevented by damage absorption effects.
- Blessing of Sanctuary: It is no longer possible to have multiple buff icons from this spell. In addition, the tooltip has been corrected to include 10% increased strength.
- Devotion Aura: When in a party with another paladin using a different rank of this ability, it is no longer possible to see two different Devotion Aura icons displayed as buffs.
- Divine Sacrifice: This ability now properly counts all damage transferred against its limit, instead of not counting some damage.
- Greater Blessing of Kings: It is no longer possible to have multiple buff icons from this spell.
- Greater Blessing of Sanctuary: It is no longer possible to have multiple buff icons from this spell. In addition, the tooltip has been corrected to include 10% increased strength.
- Guardian's Favor: Corrected a tooltip error in rank 1 of this ability.
- Hand of Freedom: It is no longer possible to use this ability while under the effects of the druid spell Cyclone. In addition, disconnecting while rooted will no longer sometimes trigger casting this on oneself.
- Hand of Reckoning: Tooltip clarified to indicate taunt immune targets will not take damage from this ability.
- Hand of Sacrifice: Damage transferred via this ability can now be prevented by damage absorption effects.
- Heart of the Crusader: The effect of this talent is now always removed when the target no longer has an active Judgement debuff.
- Judgements of the Just: The effect of this talent is now always removed when the target no longer has an active Judgement debuff.
- Judgement of Righteousness: The damage from this ability will no longer sometimes increase when the paladin's agility increases (only occurred with low strength and high agility).
- Judgement of Wisdom: Corrected incorrect information in the combat log tooltip.
- Retribution Aura: It is no longer possible under some circumstances for the UI to display buffs from two different ranks of this ability.
- Seal of Corruption: Tooltip corrected to list the actual amount of damage done instead of a higher number.