My original point was that we don't look at boss fights in terms of making sure that every tank class gets their moment to shine. That's not the goal.
We also don't look at the four tank classes and make sure they all have survivability within 1% of each other in all situations. That's not the goal either.
I felt the need to point that out to some of the players who may have unrealistic expectations. If certain classes have an easier time, we're totally cool with that, as long as the other classes are capable of doing it (and that includes the hard modes).
Now, if one class is too good at too many bosses, or we see guilds start to replace their MTs because another tank makes the fight so much easier, then that is something of which we take notice. I'm trying to frame it in those terms so that some player don't feel compelled to respond with "It's already happening in my guild," (because then the rest of the thread just becomes an unscientific tally of who uses what class for their MT) and other players respond with "Oh, great, QQ got us nerfed again."
About the 4 tanking classes
Reading this the pessimistic way: we don't try to make the tanks equal, just good enough to get by is fine? The final bit I think a lot of us have already been experiencing; it seems like they've noticed if not aknowledged since they played with DKs a bit and have mentioned giving pallies another cooldown. Tricky line of keeping the classes distinct but not having clear favorites, but it should have been pretty obvious when designing some boss encounters that required cooldowns that having a tank that could do it by itself would be prefered over one needed looking after (not even going into the health/mitigation arguement on top of that).